The emergence, establishment and existence of Methodist Church in Imota passed through several revolutionary changes. The entering of Christianity into Imota was very challenging and difficult due to the hostile environment to the Christain faith then. It was in the summer of 1890 that a visiting EUROPEAN METHODIST MISSIONARY named REVD. THOMAS first visited Imota with PA AFUKO ROBERT, a native of Imota who was serving as a crew in the ocean going steamer. They were able to gather some people together preaching the word of God to them in a couple of time. But this missionary effort was met with serious and fierce antagonism and was not given favourable face by the natives for propagation of the word. Their contention was that the European Missionary would take their children away after educating and converting them thus leaving them alone to face the arduous task of cultivating their farmland without helpers. Furthermore, this alien religion will probably eclipse their idol worshipping religion and so deprive them of their ancestral heritage.
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